Create your Ethereum Multisig Contract

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In this section you will deploy an Ethereum Multisig Smart Contract based on the Gnosis Multisignature Wallet Contract.

As a reminder, this section should only be executed by one agreed upon signatory. If you are not that signatory, please skip this section.

Deploying the Contract

  1. Download Multisigweb
  2. On an internet enabled computer, download and install Gnosis Multisignature Wallet.
  3. Please make sure you verify the SHA256 checksums. At the time of writing, v1.6.0 was the latest version
  4. Create a new Ethereum Account that will be used to deploy the contract
  5. Open multisigweb
  6. Agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy
  7. Select Light Wallet
  8. Click on Accounts
  9. Click on Add
  10. Choose and confirm a password
  11. Choose a name for the account (can be anything)
  12. Click Create Account
  13. Send funds to the account that was just created
  14. Check the current gas prices at ethgasstation
  15. Multiply the gas price by 2,057,168 and divide by 10^18 to see how much ETH you will need to deploy the contract. We recommend you send twice the amount from the calculation.
  16. Click the Copy button next to the address created in the step above
  17. Send the ETH (beyond the scope of this protocol) to the address above
  18. Wait for the transaction to be confirmed, you should see the new balance on the top right section of the screen, next to the account address.
  19. Deploy new Multisig Wallet
  20. Go the the Wallets tab
  21. Click on Add
  22. Select Create new wallet
  23. Select a wallet name (can be anything)
  24. Enter M (for your chosen M-of-N policy)
  25. Leave daily limit at 0
  26. Click on Remove so the address that deployed the contract does not have signatory rights over the contract
  27. Enter the Ethereum Addresses of the N signatories. You should have N Owners.
  28. Click on Deploy with factory
  29. You can check ethgasstation to validate the gas price. Leave all the other fields to their default.
  30. Monitor Contract Deployment
  31. Go to the Transactions tab
  32. Wait for the transaction to be mined
  33. If you go to the Wallets tab, you should now see your Multisig contract
  34. Share your Ethereum Cold Wallet Address with the other signatories
  35. Go to the Wallets tab
  36. Click on Copy on the Address Column
  37. Send to the Ethereum Cold Wallet Address to the other signatories.